Welcome to ShelterPartner

We're reimagining volunteer work in animal shelters. Our free iPad app connects volunteers to the information they need, streamlining animal care and management without the clutter of paper logs. Discover how ShelterPartner can transform your volunteer experience, making every moment spent with the animals more meaningful.

The Ultimate Volunteer Tool for Animal Care

At ShelterPartner, we're passionate about enhancing the volunteer experience in animal shelters. Understanding the vital role volunteers play in animal care, we've developed an easy to use iPad app that connects directly to your shelter's existing management software, such as Shelter Manager, ShelterLuv, and more. This integration ensures that volunteers have real-time access to the most up-to-date information about each animal they may interact with.

ShelterPartner is designed to empower volunteers, providing them with an intuitive and efficient way to interact with the animals they love. Click “Get Started” to setup your free ShelterPartner account.

Get Started

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