How much does it cost?

ShelterPartner is 100% free. There are no paid subscriptions. There are no in-app purchases. There are no ads. ShelterPartner is funded entirely by donations.

How can I start using ShelterPartner?

  1. Fill out this form: Get Started

  2. We’ll load your account with dummy data and email your login credentials so that you can test out the app without having to connect your management software.

  3. If you would like to use ShelterPartner in your shelter, simply shoot us an email, and we’ll send you more information on how to connect your management software.

How would you recommend using ShelterPartner in my shelter?

We recommend using ShelterPartner on a shelter owned iPad. Ideally, it would be mounted on a wall or somewhere that volunteers can easily access. Make sure that “Admin Mode” is turned on and that you enable Guided Access on your iPad. We have recently added “Volunteer Accounts” that allow users to access a restricted version of the app on their phones with their own login. But because it’s not yet available on Android, this isn’t yet the recommended way to use the app as it excludes Android users.

Is ShelterPartner available on Android?

Unfortunately ShelterPartner is not available on Android. We plan to support Android in the future.

What management software works with ShelterPartner?

ShelterPartner can connect to any of the following accounts; Shelter Manager (ASM), ShelterLuv, RescueGroups, and Shelter Buddy. It cannot not connect to PetPoint or Chameleon. We hope to be able to connect to these in the future. If you use software not mentioned, it may still be possible to connect your account. Just let me know via email and I’ll see what I can do.

ShelterPartner is missing something that my shelter would need to be able to use it. Can you add this feature?

Most likely yes! Feel free to email me at jared@shelterpartner.org with your situation, and I’ll see what I can do to make ShelterPartner work with your shelter. You can also submit feature requests on the Kanban page of the website.

How can I stay up to date with new features and improvements to ShelterPartner?

The Improvements page on the website is a live view of the ShelterPartner to-do list. You can see what others or myself are working on, what will be included in the next update, and what was included in the most recent update. You can also submit feature requests.

Last updated